Monday, November 7, 2011

Family Update

Reagan is becoming such a big boy.  He loves going to school and learning new things.

He loves it when I make him pancakes before school.  He won't eat plain circle pancakes.  Usually I just make a weird design and he is creative enough to tell me what I made.  He has been requesting his name for awhile now so I finally did it for him.

Benson thinks he is ready to potty train.  I am not too sure.  he is constantly taking his diaper off.  His favorite thing to do is to take it off and pee all over the top of the toilet.  He dug through the clothes boxes in his room and found some Elmo underpants to wear.  He uses the toilet several times a day.  Only problem is he accidentally  fell in the other day.  Of course he thought it was funny so he does it every time now.  The other problem is when he gets a stinky diaper he thinks he can take care of it himself.  He doesn't do the best job at this and leaves me a huge mess to clean up. 


  1. Reagan looks so handsome in his suit!

  2. Reagan is so handsome. When he comes for Christmas I will make him pancakes. I can make Mickey Mouse, a ball and a bunny. Benson is a cutie.

  3. Wow, I never make pancakes-mostly because neither Dallen or Jonah will eat them. Maybe if I spell their names that might! Reagan's suit is adorable! Hopefully Benson is really ready to potty train and you will be down to just one diapered butt!
