Friday, November 4, 2011

max turns 1

Max turned 1 on Tuesday, the day after Halloween!  He is such a fun little boy.  I have to say that so far I have loved having a little boy and I notice the differences in temperment and personality already.  Max can walk real well now. He says mama, dada and ball. He can bark like a dog,( sounds kinda like ruh ruh). He is definetly more serious than my girls ever were.  It can be hard for some people get him to smile, but he always has a smile for his mama. He loves both of his sisters but lately has shown a little more prefrence to Lauren.  They play real well together. Max loves to give his mom and dad hugs and kisses. I feel so blessed to have this little boy in my life.  He brightens our day with his sweet smile and tender heart. 


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX! That cake looks awesome. Looks like he enjoyed it too!

  2. Happy birthday Max. I hope he'll forgive me for throwing a glob of frosting in his face. I'm glad only a little got into his eye.
