Friday, June 25, 2010

Two thumbs up!

I know I haven't been good at blogging lately, but hopefully this makes up for it.


We found out I was pregnant at a McDonald's bathroom in Boise right before I left town to go to Washington. Very classy, I know. Soon after I started getting sick. I felt very tired, like when you have the flu and you have no energy at all. I felt nauseous all day long and the only relief from that was through eating, so I had to eat all day long, and then most the time I would over eat and that would make me feel sick too! It. Was. Not. Fun. My past pregnancy's were not like this at all. I never got sick besides maybe a little tired and a little stomach ache for a few weeks. but really it wasn't bad. This pregnancy has also been different because my sense of smell has been enhanced and I have been super grumpy and moody. To make a long story short, this pregnancy has been the stereotypical pregnancy that you hear about, cravings, sickness, moodiness, ect, and my other two were a walk in the park compared. Lucky for me the sickness only lasted for 10 weeks, for some it lasts several weeks longer and even the whole pregnancy!! For those of you that go through that, I am sorry.


So now the good part. I am due November 4th, 2010. Today was my Ultrasound. I have felt very strongly the whole pregnancy that I am having a boy. Ask anyone and everyone, I was convinced that I was having a boy, although I would be just as happy with a girl. With my 2 other pregnancy's I never felt strongly one way or the other, I just had high hopes. This time I was sure that I was having a boy.
Here is a nice profile of our cute baby.

During the ultra sound the second guessing started. This is was what going on in my head. ( "It is so a boy!! Just watch, it's going to be a girl. No... It has to be a boy!! That would be crazy if it were a girl...)

Than this came up on the screen. Two thumbs up!! She said she had never seen a baby do two thumbs up, she has seen a baby do a one thumb up but never two.

At this point, there was no doubt we were having a boy. He was telling us "Don't worry, it's all good."

At first the ultra sound lady said she might not be able to get a shot of the gender because of how the baby was positioned. but about 10 minutes later, the baby cooperated.

I knew it! We are having a boy!

Pictures from the Cascade Trip

That's me in first place just to the right of the guy standing up, but it didn't last for long.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cascade Triathlon

Jill and I planned a family vacation in Cascade that just happened to coincide with a triathlon at Cascade Lake. This was a first for me in several ways: my first triathlon of the season; my first shore start (where you run in from the shore and dive in as opposed to starting out treading water); and my first open water swim with waves (due to some decent winds). The waves REALLY made it harder because sometimes I'd turn to take a breath at the same time a wave was going over my head . . . not fun.

Anyway, I was the 9th person out of the water, 8th off the bike and 7th at the end, right behind two bafoons who tripped eachother and slid across the finish line on their bellies.

The vacation was also lots of fun. We went with our friends Ryan and Kate and their 3 kids. We ate lots of food and spent a lot of time down at the lake, even though it was a little too cold for the rest of the group to jump in.

I'll post pictures later.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reagan Can Read

Reagan can't actually read. He thinks he can though. There are a few books that I have read to him enough times that he has memorized them. When he pulls out these books for me to read Reagan will tell me, "Mom, I'm a big boy I can read it myself." Last night I took a video of Reagan reading part of his favorite book.

Our Anniversary

We just celebrated our 6th anniversary by going to Corpus Christi for a family vacation. About a half hour before we got there Reagan started crying because he had an ear ache and didn't feel well. We were worried that our vacation was ruined. We stopped at a Walmart and got him some Tylenol. Which made him feel better for a few minutes. Then the crying started again. When we got to the beach we didn't take time to put sunscreen on because we figured we wouldn't stay long since Reagan didn't feel good. Reagan soon forgot he was sick. We ended up staying at the beach for a few hours and all left with sunburns. Luckily Abe got the worse sunburn.

By the time I got Benson out of the van Reagan had already ran into the ocean with Abram.
I was surprised at how warm the water was.

The very first thing Benson did at the beach was grab a handful of sand for a snack.

I was surprised at how brave Reagan was. He loved being hit by the waves. He laughed every time the wave went over his head.

Reagan had been looking forward to building a sand castle on the beach for quite awhile.

He was very proud of the castle he built with his dad.

We also walked around the USS Lexington. Reagan liked playing on the weapons.

We were so happy that Reagan wasn't a crab anymore.

We almost got eaten by a shark.

Reagan was very scared.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Book suggestion

I am reading this book. The Undaunted. It's by the same guy that wrote The Work and the Glory series.

It's about a group of pioneers. One of the people in the group (very very minor character in the book) is Gramdma John's dads dad. Nathaniel Alvin Decker, son of Zechariah Decker. In the book Zechariah Decker is married to someone named Seraphine, however per my searching he was married to Nancy Bean. I think the author just messed up up some of the names. Or at least that is how I interpret it based on my excellent geneology skills.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Grandmother & little grand daughter night

Our ward had a mother/daughter service auction night. Since I didn't have a daughter in town, I brought Claire. I gave her notice ahead of time that you earned points to buy things with by being good all week long by doing things like making your bed. Claire was especially good all week and earned 36 points out of 40. However, he grandmother might have given her a few points when Claire thought that she "might" have done something. I earned 34 points. Claire looked over all of the donated things and decided that she either wanted the rag doll or a candy necklace. Luckily the doll went early in the auction because waving her plate was so much fun that she would have ended up with some cupcakes or something else because it was just too hard to wait for the good stuff. We both had a really good time!!

Campout Weekend

Ben & I went to Bruneau Sand Dunes over the weekend with Ian & Mason. Cory & his family came along also. Here are some of the things that we did. None of the little sleds worked but everyone had fun on the ski rockets, even Claire got in on the fun.

Every trip needs a contest to see who can make the weirdest face. Ian won!

The first time Ian went down the hill he made it almost all the way done with out crashing. He is determined that someone needs to build him a ski rocket that is just his size. He went up and down that hill many, many times.

Lauren had a good time on her first camping trip. She did escape a couple of times. She liked to wander off to the neighboring campsites, especially the ones that had a dog. One time we found her a couple of campsites away siting around someone elses campsite in a chair enjoying a pop tart that they gave her.

Mason had a hard time climbing up the big hill too many times so he enjoyed making a sand angel, unfortunately he didn't realize it would be easier if you got out of the bushes.

Claire, on the other hand make beautiful angels.

Ben tried real hard to be the best one.

Every camp out has to have some S'mores!

We all had a good time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The streak has ended

I am proud to announce that I am currently the only Ashby child capable of creating boy babies and girl babies.

We looked yesterday and we have a healthy baby girl on the way.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My exciting week

A lady I work with has a daughter who works at Macy's and they were having a sale on Kitchenaid's. They gave an additional discount on discontinued colors (I chose almond) and then I got her daughters additional discount for working in the store. Then after it was delivered we found out there was another discount so my brand new Kitchenaid cost $54.00 and came with a form to order additional accessories at no cost.

Hurrah for me!! Now I just need to think of something yummy to mix up.

Fist I went and watched John do his duathalon.

Since Dallen had some pictures I thought he might like some pictures posted also. He does like to do whatever Dallen does!!!

A week ago at a yard sale I bought a ecliptical machine to put in my sewing room. Ben bought me this little TV to put in there. Too bad there wasn't any thing good on TV when I took this picture.

The best part of the week is that school is out!!! Lot's of sleeping in for me.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Some movies

Feeding goats

This is Jonah singing the ABC's. He is a little distracted by his Mickey Mouse Train paper.


We took a vacation. As far as we can remenber this is our first vacation as a family, not including visiting family or going to races. We went to southern Utah and saw Arches and Canyonlands national parks.

Jonah found a train to play with

We went on a walk, but Jonah was not interested in rocks, he liked the "crocodiles".

We forgot our camera so we figured it was time for a new one anyway. Jonah quickly learned how to use it.

Sometimes Jonah misbehaved.

He was also very cute and sweet.