Now Reagan is a cute Big Boy!

I think Reagan may be officially a big boy now. I decided that we need to get Reagan totally potty trained before the baby comes. He has been doing well letting us know when he has to go #2 since Christmas. He would only potty in the toilet when he had to go #2. I decided that we need to just have him wear underpants so he could learn when he had to go. After a few days I was a little frustrated because every 20 minutes he would go on the floor. When I went to Costco last week I realized that this was going to be a long road. I bought him a case a diapers because I didn't believe that he was really going to figure it out.
Reagan decided to prove me wrong. Every day he started doing a little better. He could soon go 30 minutes before he went on the floor. Then he could go 45 minutes before I had a mess to clean up. Then he started listening to me when I told him he had to go to the bathroom. This made it so he only went on the floor a couple times a day and he would get really upset and cry when he got his underpants wet.
Wednesday was a magical day. Reagan listen to me every time I asked him to go the restroom and he never refused. He even told me a few times that he needed to go to the bathroom. He only wet his pants one time the whole day. When he did wet his pants he said, "Oh no, a pee out!" On Thursday we had no accidents at all. On Friday we made it to the end of the day. Reagan did something naughty and had to go to time out. When Abram went in to talk to Reagan he had a little accident on Abe's lap. It was small enough that we didn't realize he had done it for quite awhile.
This morning after being awake for awhile Reagan told me he needed to go to the bathroom. When I took off his diaper it was completely dry. He made it all night with out getting his diaper wet. I am hoping this means that he is officially potty trained. I guess I can't be too upset that I have an unopened case of diapers. I am sure that he will still need to wear diapers to bed for awhile and whenever we go anywhere. So I should be able to use the diapers still.
Claire has worn diapers to bed for a long time. This last couple of weeks we weened her off of her sippy cup which she would go to bed with... and now we are working on going to bed with out a diaper. I kept putting it off because i didnt want to wash sheets everyday, but she woke up this morning with dry underwear! woohoo! I definetly wouldnt wait as long as we did on those things but you have to do whats right for you family. Reagan is such a big boy. He looked so cute in that first picture. He had such big eyes. They grow so fast dont they?
ReplyDeleteI think you will have plenty of occasions to use those diapers. I remember a little girl who wet her pants once a day for about two years.