Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Crush

I watched one of Reagan's friends yesterday. He was very excited about it when I told him who I would be watching. There is a girl in nursery that he always talks about. I am not sure if he actually like her or if he just likes saying her name. Whenever we mention church Reagan immediately says "Kessi." Reagan remembers to pray for Kessi almost every night before he goes to bed. On Sunday Reagan found a Wiggles guitar in nursery. When you pushed a button it would play a song. So Reagan would push a button run over and grab Kessi's hand make her dance with him. As soon as the song was over he would run and push the button again and do the same thing. When Kessi got to our house yesterday Reagan was one happy boy. He played very well with her. He let her play with all of his favorite toys. After playing with Kessi for awhile Reagan came running over to me saying "Veggie Tales, Veggie Tales." So I decided to let them watched one of his videos. Reagan sang most of the first song to Kessi. When the second song came on he grabed Kessi's hands and said "dance." So they danced the whole second song. He even sang her a few words. So I thought that I would post a video of there dance since he probably wont want me taking videos of him dancing with girls when he gets older.


  1. first I have to find out how you taught Reagan to share. Claire has had a tough time with this. Secondly, that poor little girls hair makes me laugh. Reagan prob. likes her so much because he think she is a boy. Thats so mean, I know, Lauren actually has that same hair do, long on the top, short on the sides. thirdly I have to say that I love reagan. He is such a sweet boy. Claire really misses him. We cant wait for you to visit. cuet ideo, thanks for sharing

  2. He shares much better with Kessi than anyone else. Yes, I would agree with you Kessi's hair is different. Cute in a baby but not so much on a 2 1/2 year old. She just started that hairdo a couple weeks ago. There are lots of really cute girls in nursery. For some reason Reagan chose the least cute of all the girl. The girl will probably grow up cute though. She has a 16 year old sister that is very pretty. Her mother says that the sister looked just like Kessi at that age. So Reagan is either thinking of the future or her inner beauty.

  3. What a sweet little boy. However, I agree that he could find himself a cuter girlfriend.

  4. awww...shame!!! On you all for judging this little girl!! LOL! Don't you know that beauty is the eye of the beholder?

    I think her hair makes her look like a rockstar! And polka dots are so in this spring!
