Thursday, April 10, 2008


So the last two nights we have had tornado warnings. None have touched down, nor have we seen any close to us but there have been some within 30 miles. Each night we have seen the warnings as we watched TV. The first night we were really irritated as it continued to interrupt the ending of "The Biggest Loser," until we realized that it was our county that was the one under the warning. Then the comments about moving to a secure location and about covering up with mattresses started to seem more real. Well it made for a little bit of anxiety but that died down as we said our prayers each night. This morning at 3am we were awakened by the storm with powerful winds and rain. It was crazy. It's all a little crazy and we realized that we have no plan nor did we even know what to do in the event of a tornado. We have done tornado drills at school but at school their are no mattresses to put on top of me.
I'm not too concerned about tornadoes but our first tornado warnings have made us aware of their reality in big ol' Texas!!


  1. That isn't a very comforting little post. Mothers would rather see pictures of Reagan with carrots in his hair. Be safe! Nobody told me when you moved down there that there were tornado's. I thought that only happened in the Wizard of Oz.

  2. I hate tornados...I didn't realize that there arn't tornados in Idaho. I have been in many tornados-I have so many scary stories but I won't share them...just remember-if you don't have a basement-get in the bathtub with the mattress. But most times it seems the warnings are for other people your best bet is to watch the sky and the skys are bad things...
