Thursday, April 24, 2008


I just called Ashleigh a minute ago to get a recipe from her. I told her that I found a recipe to make beer bread from scratch. As we were talking we decided that we really should start making an Ashby Family Cook Book. Mom has been talking about it for awhile but as far as we know it hasn't started yet. So lets get it started. Everyone can email me your recipes. That way they will all be on the computer and it will be easier because one person won't have to type them all up. Start thinking about recipes that you or your families make that you would like to share. We want soups, salads, main dishes, desserts, breads, or any other recipes you have tried and liked. It is always fun to get a new recipe and try it out. I don't always trust famous cookbooks because I don't know if it is actually good. I trust all of your taste buds so I bet it would be a great book. We thought it would be good to get the book started this summer when I come down to Boise. Which is most of June and the beginning of July. We have an email address that we don't use much so if you send the recipes to this email it will be easiest for me to keep track of.

Email address for cook book:


  1. Sounds like fun!!! Tonight we are having one of our new favorites -- Orange Chicken (from costco)

  2. I will turn in my recipes, but most of what I make is one of mom's recipes like cheesy potatoes, chicken enchiladas or BBQ turkey. Marie does make lots of good stuff.

  3. Mom mentioned that it would be fun to put the persons name on the recipe that submitted it. That way we know if it is a recipe Dallen invented or if it was one Marie came up with.

  4. i already have the chicken broc. soup and your white chili recipe typed up, so you dont have to worry about typing either one of those up. one of these days, when i cant think of anything to do, i need to start typing up all my recipes.
