Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just because it fits...

I went through Reagan's clothes the other day to decide which summer clothes fit and which clothes I should put away. I put this outfit on Reagan and decided it didn't matter if the outfit fits. It just looks too silly on. I'm not sure if it is because the outfit is a little girly or too babyish. What do you think? Should I continue to have Reagan wear the outfit this summer?


  1. This is definetly not manly enough for reagan. He will probably be embarassed that you even took this picture. it is a cute picture though, he is pretty photogenic.

  2. Mommy likes it, but I would cry if she put it on me cuz it is girlie.

  3. Yeah, I think the the outfit was in a bag of hand me down clothes Abe's sisters gave me. It was the only outfit that still had the tags on it.

  4. I thnk that if Reagan wore that outfit he might get beat up at play group. I would definately not have Reagan wear that it public.

  5. You tell them!!! He definatly should not wear that outfit. It's a little small and he looks girly. Reagan is a MANLY baby, not a sissy baby!!!
