I would teach Jonah a little bit better "ground and pound" technique, but Marie wants him to be a nice child.
In related news I was out running the other day and a few teenagers thought it would be fun to come up behing me a throw a few punches. I was not very amused. I will say that they are lucky that I cannot identify them good enough for the police to get them. They are even luckier that Marie won't let me entertain my various theories for revenge. Marie is smarter than me.
In less related news I took the boards this week. I passed 8 of 11 sections which means that I get to go back in November and pass the other three. It shouldn't be that hard the second time around since I will be restudying only 3/11 of the volume of stuff.
It looks like we have another wrestler in the family. The headband was definately the winning touch. Good job on the test.