Monday, June 15, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Claire started swimming lessons last week. It is a two week course, monday - thursday. They teach the kids how to do free style arms, butterfly arms, scissor kicks and dolphin kicks. They also help the kids go under water and start to teach them how to dive. Claire is by far the worst swimmer in the class. She is in a class with 3 and 4 year olds, who have taken swim lessons before...but I think she should have been with the 2 and 3 year olds. This is Claires first experience in a class-like environment. The first day she did the best, because she didnt know what to expect. Since then, she has been a little hard. She NEVER wants to wear her goggles, and the teacher has a hard time lifting her out of the pool to do a dive. Claire will straighten her legs and lean back all while screaming, "no, no, no.." In this picture she is really mad because she didn't want to go to swimming lessons that day.
She cant seem to figure out how to do the free style arms, she does more of a doggy paddle. Her favorite thing is floating on her back, and she suprisingly hasn't cried at all after she goes under water...She just freaks out before. Her teacher did say that Claire does really good going under, so I am pround of her for that.
Today, the start of the second week, she did so much better! She didn't cry at all and she let her teacher lift her out of the pool for a dive. I have hope yet. Here are some pictures of her during swimming lessons last week. Not one day did the sun come out and twice it rained!!
Afterwards they get to have some free time in the pool. Claire loves this boat. It makes going to swim lessons all worth it for her. All the other kids use intertubes but claire has to have the boat! -gotta love her!


  1. Claire might not be the best swimmer but she is the cutest. Hopefully this week she will get some sunny days to swim.

  2. Good job Claire. I think she is doing great for her first swimming lessons.
