Then on Tuesday last week I had gone to a children's thrift store just to check it out. It didn't plan on being in there long so I decided I didn't need the stroller. I figured he could walk around with me. After being in the store for just a couple minutes Reagan disappeared. I was quite frustrated. I don't really enjoy searching for Reagan in stores. I looked in the racks of clothes. I looked in the dressing room. I didn't know where else to look for him. Then I noticed a bed. Reagan was lying in the as happy as can be. He didn't understand why his mother didn't want him trying out the new bed he found. It was the perfect size for him. He was quite upset when I pulled him off the bed and we left the store.
Yesterday I was washing dishes. I didn't really want Reagan's help so I turned the TV. I knew this would keep him busy while I got the things done I needed to get done. When I finished the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen I went back into the living room to see Reagan. He wasn't in there. I checked the office, the bathroom and even his bedroom. Where was he? He was in my bed reading and singing his new favorite book "The Wheels on the Bus."
I don't quite understand why Reagan loves beds so much. I guess that it isn't too bad of thing. I don't think he can get into too much trouble playing in a bed.
I have got a couple of beds that Reagan can sleep in. Maybe, if he is really good he could talk Mason and Ian to coming over and playing hide and go seek with him. It sounds like you week has been just a fit frustrating.