Friday, November 7, 2008


I still have all of Reagan's Bibs in a basket on his changing table. He never uses them anymore but I never bothered packing them up. A couple night ago Reagan brought me the basket and wanted to wear one of his bibs. He was so happy when he had the bib on. So he brought me another one and wanted that one on too. Soon Reagan had 13 bibs on. He thought he was pretty cool. So I took a picture of it. There was was also a baby hat in there that he was also determined to wear. I don't quite understand why he wanted the bibs on but it made him happy.


  1. I remember the day when Reagan needed about 13 bibs so that his shirt didn't get wet. You are a cutie Reagan!

  2. its so funny the things that kids do. it makes a mothers day a lot more interesting though. mothers need these moments to make us laugh and enjoy this thing called life.
