Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Party

Saturday was our Family Halloween party. We had lots of fun games with most valuable prizes. Lauren won the counting jar full of candy corn because when I asked her for a number she said, "1-2-3" and that was the closest. Super monkey looks happy and ready for the fun to begin.
Get ready this is going to be a long post!

Ian ready for fun. He started out as mummy skelaton but that only lasted a couple of minutes.

Mason was a contender for best costume.

Raggedy Ann made a very sweet appearance.

The prettiest good witch ever.

Jill was pretty stylin' and was quite proud of her "big hair"

We aren't suppose to look so matchy. But I have my lovely poodle skirt attire & Ben just didn't quite get the lunch lady look right.

Max's very first Halloween.

Lauren being pretty as a peacock.

Cory as "iron man".

For dinner everyone had to choose a bag which contained one utinsel which was all they could use to eat their dinner with. John did well with a big spatula but Jill was a bit concerned about eating Lasagna with a plastic muffin holder.

Claire was a very good sport and ate all of her food with a pair of tongs. She even went as far as to eat her french bread with her fingers. Lauren didn't quite get why she should eat with a bat cookie cutter and just used her fingers along with Mason and Blake.

Eating the donut off the string.

The pumpin relay. Each team member got a small plastic baby spoon and the object was the run the circle through the den/kitchen/living room without dropping the pumpkin off your spoon. The last person had to eat the pumpkin. Super monkey is all ready to challenge Raggedy Ann.

The final pass off. Be sure to notice Jill's skinny leather pants.

The marshmellow eating contest. Blake put 1 in his mouth. Ian had about five.

Cory was the all time winner with 13 marshmellows in his mouth.

This is the jello slurping contest. Everyone agreed that green jello is not all that yummy. Just ask Mason, he threw up!

Carving pumpkins.

Everyone had a spooky time! We missed the rest of you and wished you were here!!!


  1. Looks like a fun party. To bad we didn't get invited.

  2. You guys are the best grandparents ever. We all had a great time. I am already looking forward to next year! :)

  3. We had a blast! And YES I was very proud of my skinny leather pants.

  4. The skinny leather pant are awesome Jill! That party looked very fun. I was just glad I got organized enough that both kids had costumes and pumpkins and we remembered to buy candy!
