The swim was in Lake Erie. Wavy, but now bad enough to drown me. In the swim I was 28th out of about 130 people. On the bike I was 30th. Got passed by a couple people. I either need a better bike or need to ride my bike more. On the run I passed a bunch of people and ended up in 10th place. I was second fastest on the run and actually ran faster than I did a month ago on a course that was half as long. Maybe because my hip is no longer injured or maybe because my feet weren't frozen.
I won my age group.
For John here are the results. 2:19:23 (28:17, 1:10:49, 38:56). The bike was a little long, close to 25 miles, and the swim was either long or just slow based on everyones times.

Good job. What were your times? Or just post a link to the results. I've got my first Olympic distance triathlon next Saturday, and I'm not sure yet what kind of pace I should attempt.
ReplyDeleteGreat job. What is your prize that you are holding. We are glad that you didn't drown.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why Dallen didn't post any race pictures, but then I noticed the name of the race: "A Tri In The Buff." I bet there were a lot more spectators than most other races.
ReplyDeletePretty cool. I'm hopefully going to do a sprint tri with John at the end of the summer.