Saturday, January 23, 2010

John Reached The Big Time

On Friday I made my debut argument at the Idaho Supreme Court. The issue in the case was the enforceability of a covenant not to compete (it's a bit too complicated to explain in much detail). We had won the case in front of a district court judge, including an order that the other side pay our client's attorneys' fees of a little over $100,000, and the other side appealed. Arguing a case in front of the Idaho Supreme Court was intimidating to say the least, but I didn't faint, I didn't throw up, and I'm pretty sure I didn't otherwise make a fool of myself. Now I just have to wait (probably a month or two) to find out if I won.


  1. I am very proud of you, especially since you didn't throw up. Keep it up and maybe someday you will one of those listening to nervous little lawyers.

  2. That's nothing. I went to the State Supreme Court months ago. And I have a contract with a restrictive covenant. You are way behind on the curve.
