Here are the results of the fitness challenge for January.
Ben: 19 exercise points
Vickie: 19 exercise points
John: 20 exercise points
Jill: 16 exercise points + 1 bonus point for recording food + 1 point for losing 5 pounds (o:
Dallen: 20 exercise points + 1 bonus point for running a race yesterday
April: 18 exercise points + 1 bonus point for food + 1 bonus point for losing 5 pounds (o:
Abe: 6 exercise points
21 points - Dallen
20 points - John, April
19 points - Ben, Vickie
18 points - Jill
9 points - Marie
6 points - Abe
Good job everyone! If anyone's totals are not correct let me know and I will fix it.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
One New Year Resolution completed!
About three years ago I set a New Year's resolution to back up the pictures on my computer. To make a long story short, I did not did i t. FINALLY, I bought myself an external hard drive and have backed up three years worth of pictures. The hardest part was the thousand or more pictures that I chose to delete before I backed them up. I still have two more years to go but I think that it is still worth bragging about.
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Starting in December I became a author on my sisters blog This is a couponing blog. I do about 1 -3 posts daily. This week we tell you how to get free deoderant at walgreens, Electrasol Tablets for $.50 -$1.37, and huggies and pamper diapers for $3.32-$5.33 a pack! You can always get a good deal and we are doing posts daily so check it out and subscribe. Also you have to check it out this week becuase it is the sites 1 year anniversary! We are having several giveaways. Check them out here.
My Flight

Hey everyone. Guess where I am this week and for the next 2 weeks? I am in Washington DC visiting my parents! Last week I got to go on a tour to the white house. Today I am going to the Capitol Building. I will get to be in the same room that President Barack Obama spoke in last night at the state of the union. Pretty cool huh?
It is so nice to visit my family. Last time I came here Claire was only 4 months old... but we did stay for the whole summer. Another thing that is different is that Cory isn't with me this time. :( I miss him. This is his busy season at work ( he's an accountant) and so we decided this would be the best time for me to come.
The airplane ride was crazy!! I left Boise airport at 12:20pm and then flew to SLC where I stayed on the plane and other people boarded. Then we flew on to Chicago. This was the long flight, about 3 1/2 hours. Claire was awesome, Lauren was as good as a tired baby could be. She only cried once for about 5 minutes straight, (which seemed like forever!!) and then a lady offered to take her and within 3 minutes Lauren was asleep. Embarrassing, but also very much appreciated. Everyone was so nice on the flights and in the airport.
Then we got to Chicago. From here I had a 2 1/2 hour layover, so needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to this part of the trip. Both kids wanted to run in different directions and they were cranky and exasted. Then when it was time to get on my plane to go to DC, My flight got delayed for 2 hours because the landing was too icy.
It. was. not. fun.
When I finally arrived it was 1 AM on east coast time. It was a long flight but well worth it to see my mom and dad.
I will write about my adventures....eventually. That is the plan anyways, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Our Meal Conversation
Reagan informed us tonight that he now knows where food comes from. Hash browns come from potatoes. Bacon comes from pigs. Carrots come from bunnies and milk comes out of the cow's bottom. He was so proud to let us know.
New Tricks
Benson has learned two new tricks in the past couple weeks. He has mastered the skill of rolling over. He started rolling from his back to stomach about two weeks ago. Since then he has also learned how to roll over from his stomach to his back. The second trick he learned is how to hold his own bottle. The only problem with the tricks is he tries to do them both at the same time. Which makes him quite frustrated. He doesn't understand why he can't drink on hist stomach.
This is Benson enjoying his new trick.

Reagan thought he needed to be in a picture too.
This is Benson enjoying his new trick.
Reagan thought he needed to be in a picture too.
Guessing game
Saturday, January 23, 2010
John Reached The Big Time
On Friday I made my debut argument at the Idaho Supreme Court. The issue in the case was the enforceability of a covenant not to compete (it's a bit too complicated to explain in much detail). We had won the case in front of a district court judge, including an order that the other side pay our client's attorneys' fees of a little over $100,000, and the other side appealed. Arguing a case in front of the Idaho Supreme Court was intimidating to say the least, but I didn't faint, I didn't throw up, and I'm pretty sure I didn't otherwise make a fool of myself. Now I just have to wait (probably a month or two) to find out if I won.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Official Rules
Hopefully everyone is doing well on the family fitness challenge. We were doing good until two friends brought us yummy birthday treats! After talking to everyone here are the official rules. They have a little bit of everyone's ideas in them.
The official family competitors: Ben, Vickie, John, Jill, Dallen, Marie, April & Abram. (Cory & Ashleigh did have good excuses)
Starting Date: Tuesday, January 5th - Ending Date: April 30th
Rules: 1 point each day that you exercise at least 30 minutes. Limit of 5 points per week.
1 bonus point if you write down food eaten at least 15 days a month and stay within the calorie limit that is correct for you. LIMIT OF ONE BONUS POINT PER MONTH FOR THIS!
1 bonus point if you participate in a organized fitness event such as a race. LIMIT OF ONE BONUS POINT PER MONTH FOR THIS.
1 bonus point for each 5 pounds that you lose. No cheating on this!!! You need to start with a realistic beginning and ending weight (Who might we be referring to?)
That it is!!! Not to complicated. Call Mom at the beginning of February to turn in your points. Such as: Dallen exercised 14 points in January and had 1 bonus point. April exercises 23 days in January and had two bonus points.
Good luck. The results will be posted as soon in the month as possible.
The official family competitors: Ben, Vickie, John, Jill, Dallen, Marie, April & Abram. (Cory & Ashleigh did have good excuses)
Starting Date: Tuesday, January 5th - Ending Date: April 30th
Rules: 1 point each day that you exercise at least 30 minutes. Limit of 5 points per week.
1 bonus point if you write down food eaten at least 15 days a month and stay within the calorie limit that is correct for you. LIMIT OF ONE BONUS POINT PER MONTH FOR THIS!
1 bonus point if you participate in a organized fitness event such as a race. LIMIT OF ONE BONUS POINT PER MONTH FOR THIS.
1 bonus point for each 5 pounds that you lose. No cheating on this!!! You need to start with a realistic beginning and ending weight (Who might we be referring to?)
That it is!!! Not to complicated. Call Mom at the beginning of February to turn in your points. Such as: Dallen exercised 14 points in January and had 1 bonus point. April exercises 23 days in January and had two bonus points.
Good luck. The results will be posted as soon in the month as possible.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Camera fun
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
An Eventful Month
We haven't blogged in over a month so I thought I would do one post to highlight the past month.
Reagan was finally got to play in the snow.

He went sledding.

He even had a snowball fight.

Benson got to eat rice cereal for the first time

Re loves eating it!!!

We had a fun Christmas in Boise with family.

It was Benson's first Christmas.

Reagan had a birthday and turned 3.

Reagan got his very first pet.

Reagan was very creative when he named his new pet fish. He named him Fish.

Unfortunately Fish didn't survive too long. Reagan still pouts when someone "Abe" talks about Fish.

We watched a fun Fiesta Bowl game.

Benson started playing ball.

Reagan also went bowling for the first time. I think he even scored higher than his mom.

Reagan is now a Sunbeam.

We had a fun eventful holiday season. We hope that you guys enjoyed the holidays as much as we did.
Reagan was finally got to play in the snow.
He went sledding.
He even had a snowball fight.
Benson got to eat rice cereal for the first time
Re loves eating it!!!
We had a fun Christmas in Boise with family.
It was Benson's first Christmas.
Reagan had a birthday and turned 3.
Reagan got his very first pet.
Reagan was very creative when he named his new pet fish. He named him Fish.
Unfortunately Fish didn't survive too long. Reagan still pouts when someone "Abe" talks about Fish.
We watched a fun Fiesta Bowl game.
Benson started playing ball.
Reagan also went bowling for the first time. I think he even scored higher than his mom.
Reagan is now a Sunbeam.

We had a fun eventful holiday season. We hope that you guys enjoyed the holidays as much as we did.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Claire.. rascist?
I have a couple stories I have been meaning to write down lately. Claire is at such a fun age. At 3 years old her imagination is running wild. She says what she thinks and holds nothing back. Back in August 2009 she was really into Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. She went to a Willie Wonka themed birthday party, and had watched the movie many times. We were walking up the stairs of the DMV (to renew my liscense) and she see's some Mexican construction workers. They were wearing bright orange safty vests. Claire points to them and loudly proclaims, " Are those Oompa Loompas!!!" It was hilarious... and a little embarassing.
THEN... this week, we went to Mcdonalds. Claire was playing in the "play area" with this cute little black girl. All was going good until the little girl runs off. All Cory and I hear is " Hey brown girl! Come back brown girl! Come play with me." I was horror struck. Good thing the girls mom wasn't in there, she was in the other eating area. Anyways, next thing we know, Claire is running out into the eating area, to taddle on a boy who was being mean to "the brown girl". She somehow..... knew who the brown girls mommy was. Also very embarrassing.
I thought my child may be rascist, but then again, all week long she keeps telling me how she wants to be a brown girl. And she says it in a very whiney voice. She really means it. Is she going to end up being one of those white girls who talks and acts black. I am sorry, but those people were just not cool.
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