I don't very often make a New Years Resolution but this year I did. I made the goal to be caught up on my scrap booking when the baby comes. I was doing pretty good before I made it a goal. I think I have only worked on my scrap book once or twice since I made it a goal. I am now at the point in my pregnancy where Reagan was born. My goal has not been achieved yet. I guess this means I better get to work. This afternoon while Reagan was taking his nap I was able to get quite a bit scrapped. Unfortunately I worked until the second Reagan woke up. When he woke up he saw what I was doing. He was so excited. He said "Mommy I help you!" He was very determined that he was going to help. I didn't really want his help but he wouldn't get away from me. I eventually allowed him to help me glue. He is very proud of his work.
** I just noticed as I looked closely at that top picture that Reagan had an accident.
pretty funny. ca