Monday, March 16, 2009

Jonah doesn't really get the talking thing, though we are trying to work with him. The doctor referred him to Early Intervention for speech therapy. We are hoping mom therapy works first.


  1. Jonah is starting to look more like a big boy and less like a baby. After reading your post I had to go back and look at Reagan's baby book to see when he started talking. At 12 months Reagan only said momma and dadda. It was at 16 months that he started saying lots of words. So I don't think I wouldn't be too worried about Jonah. He is probably normal. Knowing his parents he will probably be above average.

  2. Blake is almost two, and he knows less than 20 words, and you can really only understand "mommy" "daddy" and "no." Rather than doing speech therapy, we just mockingly repeat what he says. Sooner or later he'll realize he is being teased and start trying to talk better.

  3. Knowing his grandparents he should be WAY above average.

    When Cory was about 4 I brought him to one of those developmental screenings. They wanted me to put him in physical thereapy right on the spot. I think he was below average in large motor skills. He survived just fine. Maybe not above average, but ok

  4. Cory is very smart! And so is Jonah!
