Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bad Week

I just thought that I would share the 13 reasons why I am having a bad week.

1. I woke up sick this weekend. Just a cold, nothing too bad. I still don't like to be sick though.

2. I got a call Saturday from the other lady that teaches gospel doctrine with me. She wanted me to teach her lesson for her. I wasn't feeling well and was afraid I was going to lose my voice. I said I would anyways because she reminded me that she needed to cash in on one of the lesson from when I was out of town at Christmas.

3. Reagan has started throwing fits. Sometimes there is a reason for the fits but other times I can't figure out what he is upset about. I hope the fits don't last much longer because I am already sick of them.

4. Reagan found a new box of Q-tips. He dumped all 500 of them out.

5. For some reason Reagan thinks he can get anything for himself now. He just pushes a chair over and gets it. The other night Reagan pushed a chair over to the counter, climbed up and started searching for something good to eat. Abram saw him and yelled at him and told him to get down. Of course Reagan couldn't hear Abe and does nothing. Abe then ask him if he needs a spanking. Reagan's response was "Yes, on my bum." Then he stuck his bum out in the air for Abe to spank.

6. Like I mentioned earlier Reagan is getting into everything. He found a bottle of bubbles and was determined he had to hold them during lunch. He "accidentally" dropped them, the lid broke, and the bubbles were all over. Another mess for me to clean up.

7. Our bathroom is one of the funnest rooms for Reagan to play in. He got into my make up and shattered a few of my eye shadows. I am still trying to clean it up.

8. I am singing a song for ward conference on Sunday with a couple other girls. We were going to practice Monday morning. I thought it would be a good idea to brush my teeth before I left. As I grabbed my toothbrush I notice that it is brown. Call me picky but I refuse to use a brown toothbrush. I had to search all over to find a new one before I could go practice. (I later figured out that Reagan had decided to be helpful and help clean up the eyeshadow he had spilled with my toothbrush. That was why it was brown.)

9. I lost Abe's coaches pass at the last Basketball game I went to. Now I have to start paying to watch Abe's games.

10. Last night I was watching my favorite show "The Biggest Loser." There was a weather watch so they kept on interrupting the show every 15 minutes. Which happened to occur during the exciting parts of the show.

11. I bought candy to decorate Valentine cookies. There was some candy left over so I put it in the cupboard for us to eat latter. Last night Abe tried to inform me that he hasn't had his fair share of the M&M's. Now there is a bag of M&M's in the chipboard and I can't even have any. How rude!

12. Reagan is starting to get more teeth. He is in lots of pain. He keeps coming up to me and saying "Teeth hurt." I tried to put Orajel on it to make it feel better. That didn't seem to do anything. I tried having him chew on an ice-pop to see if that would help. He wouldn't even eat the ice-pop he was in too much pain. So I got to listen to Reagan cry for 2 hours.

13. Reagan was so upset and was crying so hard he ended up throwing up. So I got to scrub barf out of the carpet. Reagan had it on his shirt but really didn't want to change the shirt. All he wanted to do was cuddle with me. So I got to have Reagan cuddle up to me with a sticky wet barf shirt on. It smelt so good.

Well I hope that your week is going a little better than mine.


  1. Im sorry you had a bad week. I think we moms dont get as much credit as we deserve. You are such a great mom april. Reagan is so lucky to have you. I love the one where he yes that he needed a spanking on his bum. I laughed so hard. Claire has done this before and it takes all the fun out of punishing her. Sometimes I think kids are too smart for their own good.

  2. I didn't have a very good week either. I have a cold! I hope life gets better next week for you.

  3. Oh I can remeber snuggling with barfy babies! That is not fun, especially when your are pregnant! By the way, how are you feeling?
