Claire had a geat birthday. Cory had a free nights stay at a hotel so we decided to have a pool party at the hotel because Claire loves swimming. Claire also loves hotels, so it all worked out good.
As soon as we got in the room she was ready to party. Here she is jumping on the bed waiting for everyone to show up. Lauren thought it was pretty funny and kept laughing.

Everyone arrives and we wait for Cory to show up with the pizza.
Everyone arrives and we wait for Cory to show up with the pizza.
Mom worked hard on the cake and suprisingly hid it from Claire until we sang happy birthday at the hotel. Claire thought it was pretty cool.
She definetly had a princess party. The gift bags, wrapping paper, and most the toys just happend to be princess themed. She loved all of her presents and Grandma even made her a matching little blanket for one of her dollies that matches the one she made Lauren, It is the brown and pink one on the bottom left of the picture, so cute!!
It sounds like you guys had a fun party. I am sorry that we made Claire cry on her birthday because Reagan didn't make it to the party. We didn't get an invitation. So we didn't know about it.
I didn't know that I was that popular. I will be sure to come next year. I will also send a present in the mail.
The only time that I saw Claire cry was when Grandpa tried to leave taking her princess birthday cake. He was asked to take it but Claire was not amused. All in all, it was a wonderful party for our little princess.