Friday, February 27, 2009
Scary Boy

Warning: If you get scared easily you may not want to watch this video.
This is one of Reagan's new favorite things to do. We went to Walgreens yesterday and there was a man there stocking the Twinkies. Reagan went behind the man and made these sounds. The man turned around to see what was going on. He saw that it was Reagan and pretended that he was scared. Which made Reagan poke out his belly and laugh.
This is one of Reagan's new favorite things to do. We went to Walgreens yesterday and there was a man there stocking the Twinkies. Reagan went behind the man and made these sounds. The man turned around to see what was going on. He saw that it was Reagan and pretended that he was scared. Which made Reagan poke out his belly and laugh.
A real dog
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We have a genius on our hands
Monday, February 23, 2009
New Bed
We bought Reagan a toddler bed a few months ago. We decided that it would be best to wait until after Christmas to set up his bed. We wanted to make sure that he would still sleep in his pack in play while we were visiting family. It took awhile to get Reagan back into a good routine after Christmas. We finally decided that last weekend was the perfect time to set up the new bed. Reagan even got to help his dad put the bed together. (It may not have been to helpful but Reagan sure tried hard to help.) Reagan has been so excited about his new bed. We put the new bed in a new room for Reagan. That way we don't have to take down the crib and the new baby's room is ready to go. Reagan enjoys playing in his new room and on his new bed. He will just walk into the room look around and start laughing. His room makes him so happy. On Friday we had some friend over at our house. He had to show everyone his new bed. With as excited as he is about his new bed you would think that he would want to sleep in his bed. That is not the case. He likes to pretend to sleep in the bed along with jumping and playing on it. Abe has tried to put Reagan in his bed the last couple of nights. Every time Abe lays Reagan down he looks up at Abe and says "No, No, Daddy! My bed." So Abe puts him in the crib. We don't really want to force him to sleep in his bed. We still have time to kick him out of the crib before the baby comes. We just have to figure out the best way to convince him that his big boy bed is ok to sleep in.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
I am a big 3 year old!
Claire had a geat birthday. Cory had a free nights stay at a hotel so we decided to have a pool party at the hotel because Claire loves swimming. Claire also loves hotels, so it all worked out good.
As soon as we got in the room she was ready to party. Here she is jumping on the bed waiting for everyone to show up. Lauren thought it was pretty funny and kept laughing.

Everyone arrives and we wait for Cory to show up with the pizza.
Everyone arrives and we wait for Cory to show up with the pizza.
Mom worked hard on the cake and suprisingly hid it from Claire until we sang happy birthday at the hotel. Claire thought it was pretty cool.
She definetly had a princess party. The gift bags, wrapping paper, and most the toys just happend to be princess themed. She loved all of her presents and Grandma even made her a matching little blanket for one of her dollies that matches the one she made Lauren, It is the brown and pink one on the bottom left of the picture, so cute!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Spring is in the air
Last weekend the sun was shinning, so we decided to take the kids out for a walk. I cant wait for spring. By the way Lauren turned 5 months old on the 17th, can you believe it? Time goes by too fast!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
More Valentine Pictures
Our Valentine Weekend was not quite as exciting as John's or Cory's. But here it goes anyway. We get up and while we are trying to decide what to do for the day, Ben say's "Why don't we get out pictures taken today". Duh, I need a haircut, some of my hair is not as brown as other parts, I have a cold sore and you need some warning so you have something cute to wear. It is also nice to have an appointment. Maybe another day!!
Here are my cooking pictures. Note: There are no nutritional guidelines. That sort of ruins cookies don't you think! These are not the same cookies that Claire decorated, she and Cory & Ashleigh got to eat those.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yo quiero taco bell
There is nothing that Jonah won't eat. At least nothing that normal people would eat. He won't eat baby food vegetables, but I wouldn't either.
Here of some of the things he has enjoyed.
Taco Bell burrito.

Pulled pork.

Milk from a sippy cup.

Don't forget this.
Other things that he has really enjoyed: any fruit, squirt/root beer/sprite, lasagna, chicken, french fries, mac and cheese, ice cream, black beans, cheese, almond roca (he found that himself), guacamole, a pickle and grapefruit.
Here of some of the things he has enjoyed.
Taco Bell burrito.
Pulled pork.
Milk from a sippy cup.
Don't forget this.
Other things that he has really enjoyed: any fruit, squirt/root beer/sprite, lasagna, chicken, french fries, mac and cheese, ice cream, black beans, cheese, almond roca (he found that himself), guacamole, a pickle and grapefruit.
Ian's Accident
A couple of weeks ago Ian fell in the bathtub and split his chin open. We weren't sure if it needed stitches, so we called good ol' Dr. Dallen. After describing the cut to Dallen, he advised that no trip to the Dr's office would be necessary and a couple of butterfly bandages would do the trick.
Ian has now recovered, but does have a pretty good little scar . . .
Blake's Bigger Accident

This time we did not need to ask Dr. Dallen's opinion . . . it was very obvious that Blake needed to go to the Emergency Room.
We don't know the whole story of how this happen, because Ian and Mason were the only witnesses. Jill was at Choir practice, and John was making lunch. According to Ian, Ian ran into Blake from behind and accidentally pushed blake into the sharp corner edge of their bedroom door. Ian yelled down that "Blake is bleeding," which was an understatement to say the least. John got Blake into the van, called Grandma Vickie to come take care of the older boys, called the bishop to get Jill out of choir practice, and headed to the hospital.
To make matters worse, the nurse couldn't get an IV into Blake on the first try, so he had to get poked with IV needles twice. They gave him a quick dose of medicine that knocked him out (it's called a "conscious sedation") for about 3 minutes or so, during which the Dr. gave Blake 7 stitches right down the center of his nose.
Overall, Blake was a pretty brave boy. The only problem is that he keeps trying to tear off the bandage.
We can't wait to see what kind of scar this one leaves . . .
Valentines Day
For Valentines day, Cory and I got to go snowboarding! Grandma & Grandpa were nice enough to watch Claire & Lauren. About a week ago Lauren started drinking out of bottles, so it was meant to be. This was the longest we had been away from her so far, and it was so nice. The whole time we kept saying, "so this is what its like to not have kids" Even though we love our kids more than anything, I would be lieing if I didnt say we had so much fun being away from them for an evening. This was pretty much Corys first time snowboarding and he was a natural. He only fell a couple of times. I was really into snowboarding back in the day, but since I met Cory I hadnt went. It had been 6 years since I had last went snowboaring, but I was happy that it was like riding a bike, you dont forget how to do it. We had so much fun that we are thinking about making it a tradition to go every valentines weekend. This is also the Mountain that 5 years ago, on Valentines Day, Cory proposed to me on. We had so much fun. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for the much needed date night. We love you all and hope you had a great valentines day.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Cool Dude
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Bad Week
I just thought that I would share the 13 reasons why I am having a bad week.
1. I woke up sick this weekend. Just a cold, nothing too bad. I still don't like to be sick though.
2. I got a call Saturday from the other lady that teaches gospel doctrine with me. She wanted me to teach her lesson for her. I wasn't feeling well and was afraid I was going to lose my voice. I said I would anyways because she reminded me that she needed to cash in on one of the lesson from when I was out of town at Christmas.
3. Reagan has started throwing fits. Sometimes there is a reason for the fits but other times I can't figure out what he is upset about. I hope the fits don't last much longer because I am already sick of them.
4. Reagan found a new box of Q-tips. He dumped all 500 of them out.
5. For some reason Reagan thinks he can get anything for himself now. He just pushes a chair over and gets it. The other night Reagan pushed a chair over to the counter, climbed up and started searching for something good to eat. Abram saw him and yelled at him and told him to get down. Of course Reagan couldn't hear Abe and does nothing. Abe then ask him if he needs a spanking. Reagan's response was "Yes, on my bum." Then he stuck his bum out in the air for Abe to spank.
6. Like I mentioned earlier Reagan is getting into everything. He found a bottle of bubbles and was determined he had to hold them during lunch. He "accidentally" dropped them, the lid broke, and the bubbles were all over. Another mess for me to clean up.
7. Our bathroom is one of the funnest rooms for Reagan to play in. He got into my make up and shattered a few of my eye shadows. I am still trying to clean it up.
8. I am singing a song for ward conference on Sunday with a couple other girls. We were going to practice Monday morning. I thought it would be a good idea to brush my teeth before I left. As I grabbed my toothbrush I notice that it is brown. Call me picky but I refuse to use a brown toothbrush. I had to search all over to find a new one before I could go practice. (I later figured out that Reagan had decided to be helpful and help clean up the eyeshadow he had spilled with my toothbrush. That was why it was brown.)
9. I lost Abe's coaches pass at the last Basketball game I went to. Now I have to start paying to watch Abe's games.
10. Last night I was watching my favorite show "The Biggest Loser." There was a weather watch so they kept on interrupting the show every 15 minutes. Which happened to occur during the exciting parts of the show.
11. I bought candy to decorate Valentine cookies. There was some candy left over so I put it in the cupboard for us to eat latter. Last night Abe tried to inform me that he hasn't had his fair share of the M&M's. Now there is a bag of M&M's in the chipboard and I can't even have any. How rude!
12. Reagan is starting to get more teeth. He is in lots of pain. He keeps coming up to me and saying "Teeth hurt." I tried to put Orajel on it to make it feel better. That didn't seem to do anything. I tried having him chew on an ice-pop to see if that would help. He wouldn't even eat the ice-pop he was in too much pain. So I got to listen to Reagan cry for 2 hours.
13. Reagan was so upset and was crying so hard he ended up throwing up. So I got to scrub barf out of the carpet. Reagan had it on his shirt but really didn't want to change the shirt. All he wanted to do was cuddle with me. So I got to have Reagan cuddle up to me with a sticky wet barf shirt on. It smelt so good.
Well I hope that your week is going a little better than mine.
Monday, February 9, 2009
We are at the Olympics!!
The last time I went to the olympics I only got to roam the streets and soak up the atmosphere. Not this time, I was front and center at ice skating! We got there just as the higher level girls were finishing and got to watch the zamboni for about a half of an hour. Claire loved the skaters and she has been trained well, she knows when they do a little trick you are suppose to clap. Good girl!! The big bird Claire is stading with is the official mascot of the special olympics this year. His name is Morley.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Today Dennys is giving out free Grand Slam breakfasts to everyone who goes from 6am-2pm. I decided I would take the kids and enjoy some free food.

We left at 7:45 am and It was chilly out. Claire was pretty excited to go, although she didn't quite understand where we were going. To her, restaurant means Mcdonalds so I think she was suprised when we showed up to a different place.

I pulled up and there was a line. For some reason I was real optimistic in thinking that we wouldnt have to wait outside.... I was wrong.

When I go places early in the morning, I am not thinking clearly. Claire and I didnt bring our coats...I know!! I am a terrible mom. She did like wearing my gloves though.

I was also quite embarrased when we were standing in line and I realized her shoes were on the wrong feet and she only had one sock on.

We waited outside for about 15 minutes.

Finally, we get inside, order our grand slam breakfast and dig in! Claire really enjoyed her big girl portions. Lauren was just happy chewing on her keys.

We left at 7:45 am and It was chilly out. Claire was pretty excited to go, although she didn't quite understand where we were going. To her, restaurant means Mcdonalds so I think she was suprised when we showed up to a different place.

I pulled up and there was a line. For some reason I was real optimistic in thinking that we wouldnt have to wait outside.... I was wrong.

When I go places early in the morning, I am not thinking clearly. Claire and I didnt bring our coats...I know!! I am a terrible mom. She did like wearing my gloves though.

I was also quite embarrased when we were standing in line and I realized her shoes were on the wrong feet and she only had one sock on.

We waited outside for about 15 minutes.

Finally, we get inside, order our grand slam breakfast and dig in! Claire really enjoyed her big girl portions. Lauren was just happy chewing on her keys.
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