Today Claire had the scripture in primary. I was so proud of her. Last night we practiced the Scripture, ate cookies and milk, and I put her hair in sponge curlers. She thought that was pretty special. She also got to sleep in mommy's bed because Cory is out of town. She is one lucky girl. She woke up very eager to go to primary.
This past week I was so busy because Cory was getting ready for his big bike trip ( biking the Oregon coast down to California)with 8 of his buddies. He was also very busy at work and wasn't getting home until after 9 most nights. Because we were so busy I didn't have time to work with her on the scripture as much as I would have wanted to. I know she could have memorized it if I worked with her enough but non the less she did great. She spoke loud and clear and didn't mess up at all. She was not shy like the other girls which doesn't surprise me, she is my daughter. This is the first time she had an assignment in primary. My little girl is growing up.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
Also, today after church, we had a meeting at the stake center and our ward is splitting. I will now be in a new ward and building. We will be in the Blue Meadows Ward which starts at 1:30 ( I never get a good time!!) I am excited for the new change, but I am a little sad because I love my ward so much. I really hope they put me back in cub scouts. I loved my calling.
I miss Cory already.. and its only day 2.
Claire looks like such a grown up girl in that picture! I hope you survived Cory's trip! You are a better woman than I am-I don't think I would have let Dallen go away for that long...not unless I got to go away too!