The last trimester hasn't been too bad yet. I have been feeling good. The baby kicks a ton! He kicks mostly in the evening and in the middle of the night on one of the many trips I take to the bathroom. I hope this doesn't mean he is going to be a night owl like Cory was when he was a baby. Can't I have another Lauren??? (she slept so well) The last couple months of pregnancy always drag on way to long for me but I am trying real hard to enjoy this pregnancy this time around. Here are some pictures we took yesterday:
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Birthday Fun
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Awesomest Race Ever
So I just signed up for what may be the best race of the year. It's called the "Dirty Dash", and it is a 10K on a muddy obstacle course at Bogus Basin. This race includes sliding down a "slop and slide", water balloons being thrown at you, walls you have to climb over and sludging through knee-deep mud on your way to the finish line. Then they have a 1 mile version for the kids called the "piglet plunge." Here's the website if you're interested in joining.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Benson's party
We invited some friends over last night and had a birthday party for Benson. I'm not sure who was more excited about the party Benson or Reagan. I made Benson a cookie monster cake for everyone and an individual cake for Benson to did into. Benson ate enough dinner that he wasn't really into the cake too much. He liked the frosting a little and eventually smashed the cake and threw it all over the floor. I'm not sure if he even ate any of the cake. So he didn't get all that messy. I should have taken pictures of him eating the watermelon. He got a lot messier eating that. Oh well, he had an enjoyable birthday anyways.

Its been a year
Benson was born a year ago. Our little boy has finally turned one. To celebrate his birthday and to remind myself of how uncomfortable I was a year ago we decided to do our first 10K. We were both pleased with how we ran the race. Abe even earned a medal. He got 3rd place in his age group. I ran it in 61:05. My goal was to do it in under an hour. I didn't quite make the goal but was still pleased with how I did and know that I can do it next time. It was a pretty hilly course. It was also hot and humid outside. We are glad we started running. I never thought that I would become a runner. I still wouldn't actually say I am a runner. It is fun to see how much we are improving with our running. We are thinking about doing a 1/2 marathon now. It won't be anytime soon. Maybe in another year. You never know.
P is for Police
Reagan has been working on learning his letter sounds. Every day we learn a new letter's sound and do a craft with that letter. On Thursday we worked on the letter P. We made this lovely police hat and badge to go along with the lesson. Reagan was so proud of the police stuff he made he wore it all day. I asked him if he wanted to leave it at home when we went shopping but Reagan still wouldn't take it off. By the time we got to the mall he finally changed his mind. He told me he had better take off his police hat or people might laugh at him. He still left the badge on though. As soon as we got back in the car the hat went back on. He made quite a cute police man.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ian's Backpacking Trip
Ian, Grandpa and John went on a great backpacking trip this week. Ian carried an 11 pound pack and only whined a couple of times. His favorite parts were catching lots of fish and eating lots of fish. He also ate more candy in three days than any kid should eat in a month. Our least favorite part was that it rained and hailed A LOT our first evening there.

Monday, August 9, 2010
Dallen's next triathlon
I did another triathlon this weekend. This one was Swim, bike, run, swim, bike, run.
I was 5th overall. John can find the results here. For john's info the bike pace is off, I did 22.5 mph on the first loop, about 21 on the second, but the course was totally flat and windless.
The best part was that we swam through thick tall sea grass for most of the race. This isn't me, but it gives you a good idea.

This is me before the race. I'm not sure what I am doing, but it looks like it might involve warming up the inside of my wetsuit.

More photos.

I was 5th overall. John can find the results here. For john's info the bike pace is off, I did 22.5 mph on the first loop, about 21 on the second, but the course was totally flat and windless.
The best part was that we swam through thick tall sea grass for most of the race. This isn't me, but it gives you a good idea.

This is me before the race. I'm not sure what I am doing, but it looks like it might involve warming up the inside of my wetsuit.

More photos.

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Benson learning to walk
Stubborn eater
Pictures of Benson
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Emmett Triathlon
Jill and I did the Emmett Triathlon this morning. Here are the results:
I got 7th place overall out of about 260 participants. First in my age group, which earned me a little blue cow bell. I was about 20th out of the water, 5th off the bike and then got passed at the end by two guys on the run. I was very happy with my rusults, but would have liked to have done a bit better on the swim. I got elbowed in the face at the start of the race, which resulted in my left goggle being full of water the whole race. It probably didn't slow me down much, but very annoying.
Jill got 119th place overall, 6th out of 20 in her age group. She was most pleased by the fact that her race suit is cuter than the one she wore last year.
I got 7th place overall out of about 260 participants. First in my age group, which earned me a little blue cow bell. I was about 20th out of the water, 5th off the bike and then got passed at the end by two guys on the run. I was very happy with my rusults, but would have liked to have done a bit better on the swim. I got elbowed in the face at the start of the race, which resulted in my left goggle being full of water the whole race. It probably didn't slow me down much, but very annoying.
Jill got 119th place overall, 6th out of 20 in her age group. She was most pleased by the fact that her race suit is cuter than the one she wore last year.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dallen's triathlon
Did a triathlon this weekend, and John wants the results so here they are.
Slightly better than last time. Much better on the bike, but not much faster because it was a pretty hilly course.
This race had a cool swim because there was a rope and bouys to follow the whole way so I couldn't zig-zag too much. I'm still not sure why I can swim 1500 meters in the pool in about 24-25 minutes and it takes me 28 in a lake.
Overall 12th out of 270.
Slightly better than last time. Much better on the bike, but not much faster because it was a pretty hilly course.
This race had a cool swim because there was a rope and bouys to follow the whole way so I couldn't zig-zag too much. I'm still not sure why I can swim 1500 meters in the pool in about 24-25 minutes and it takes me 28 in a lake.
Overall 12th out of 270.
Waiting for Dallen's Results
Come on Dallen, post your results from your most recent triathlon. I've been waiting to see how far you are pulling ahead of me.
I am doing the Emmett Sprint Triathlon -- the one that started us all on this triathlon adventure -- this Saturday. This is the race I have been most excited for and that I was really wanting to peak for over the last month. However, I spent two weeks with a nasty cold that limitted my training and then I spent all of last week on a High Adventure backpacking trip, managing only to get in a couple short swims in lakes, so I'm a bit worried.
I am doing the Emmett Sprint Triathlon -- the one that started us all on this triathlon adventure -- this Saturday. This is the race I have been most excited for and that I was really wanting to peak for over the last month. However, I spent two weeks with a nasty cold that limitted my training and then I spent all of last week on a High Adventure backpacking trip, managing only to get in a couple short swims in lakes, so I'm a bit worried.
Monday, August 2, 2010
John 3:16

Today Claire had the scripture in primary. I was so proud of her. Last night we practiced the Scripture, ate cookies and milk, and I put her hair in sponge curlers. She thought that was pretty special. She also got to sleep in mommy's bed because Cory is out of town. She is one lucky girl. She woke up very eager to go to primary.
This past week I was so busy because Cory was getting ready for his big bike trip ( biking the Oregon coast down to California)with 8 of his buddies. He was also very busy at work and wasn't getting home until after 9 most nights. Because we were so busy I didn't have time to work with her on the scripture as much as I would have wanted to. I know she could have memorized it if I worked with her enough but non the less she did great. She spoke loud and clear and didn't mess up at all. She was not shy like the other girls which doesn't surprise me, she is my daughter. This is the first time she had an assignment in primary. My little girl is growing up.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
Also, today after church, we had a meeting at the stake center and our ward is splitting. I will now be in a new ward and building. We will be in the Blue Meadows Ward which starts at 1:30 ( I never get a good time!!) I am excited for the new change, but I am a little sad because I love my ward so much. I really hope they put me back in cub scouts. I loved my calling.
I miss Cory already.. and its only day 2.
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