A lady I work with has a daughter who works at Macy's and they were having a sale on Kitchenaid's. They gave an additional discount on discontinued colors (I chose almond) and then I got her daughters additional discount for working in the store. Then after it was delivered we found out there was another discount so my brand new Kitchenaid cost $54.00 and came with a form to order additional accessories at no cost.
Hurrah for me!! Now I just need to think of something yummy to mix up.
Fist I went and watched John do his duathalon.
Since Dallen had some pictures I thought he might like some pictures posted also. He does like to do whatever Dallen does!!!
A week ago at a yard sale I bought a ecliptical machine to put in my sewing room. Ben bought me this little TV to put in there. Too bad there wasn't any thing good on TV when I took this picture.
The best part of the week is that school is out!!! Lot's of sleeping in for me.
Sounds like your having fun celebrating school being out.
ReplyDeleteNow we all have mixers.
thats so cool that you are got a mixer especially for such a good deal. we will be expecting some yummy goodies from you soon. :)