Friday, January 23, 2009

No need!!!

You may remember a post I made several months ago where Reagan was walking a hand mixer. He loves dogs so much and he has mean parents that won't buy him a dog. So he had to come up with his own solution to the problem. He would walk the hand mixer. Well I though you would all like to know we no longer have that problem. Reagan no longer needs to walk a hand mixer. He has a dog. I posted a video of Reagan playing with his dog. He loves his new dog.


  1. i am so happy for reagan. he really needed a dog, that old hand mixer was on his last leg!

  2. We are also glad that Reagan got his very own dog. All of the hand mixer in the family will feel a lot safer now. However, Abe it is sort of brain washing to teach Reagan that a toy dog is the best type of dog. Shame on you!!
