Reagan thinks that big boy underwear is really fun. He enjoys sitting on his toilet as long as he is fully dressed. He is very possessive of his toilet. I pretended like I was going to sit on it and he got very mad.
Reagan keeps getting diaper rashes. I try to changes his pants as soon as I smell him but he still gets rashes. He is the kind of boy that likes to go poop several times a day. We finally get his rash almost better and then it gets bad again. Anyways, his diaper rash got really bad this past week. It was really hurting him. We went through tons of diapers because he kept pulling at his diaper every time he urinated because it would burn him. When we would change him it was hard to tell that there was even anything in the diaper. The last couple of days he also started coming up to me with his nose plugged to let me know he stinks. He also runs to his bedroom grabs a diaper and the changing mat and brings it to me and lays down. He is Reagan so he doesn't lay down for long but he does lay down for a little while. So we have decided that maybe we should take advantage of this diaper rash and see if we can start toilet training him. We bought a little toilet for him last night. He hasn't actually gone in the toilet yet but he does think it is pretty cool. So we will see if he is really ready to be toilet trained or if Reagan is just trying to get us to go through the box of diapers we have so he can get a bigger size.
Here is a video of Claire holding Lauren for the very first time. This was not at all rehearsed. We have been reading her the book I love you forever every night and for some reason this is the song that came to her mind as soon as she held her. It is so precious. You can tell that Claire is going to love being a big sister. She is a little mommy in the making. We hope you enjoy this amazing moment that we caught on our camera.
This is Lauren Emma Ashby. She was born Wednesday September 17. She was 9 pounds 8 ounces. Ashleigh's labor was much better than with Claire. She was in the hospital only 5 hours when she had Lauren.After she was born, she had to go down to the NICU because they thought she might have had an infection (She didn't). They told us she'd have to stay in the NICU until Sunday morning, so we were really happy when she got to come home on Saturday. She home now and doing well
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ian also scored a goal today, but he prefers to play defense.
Mason had his second soccer game today. He scored three goals in the first minute of the game. After that, his coach only let him play defense. Lame!!!!!!!!
Today I officially received my new title of Coach Lines. I will be coaching Boys Basketball and Girls Track. I will be the Head Freshman basketball coach plus varsity assistant and I still don't know what event I will coach in track. It is a true blessing to be able to begin my high school coaching career at such a big high school and one with such great tradition in both boys basketball and girls track. It is going to be a real challenge but I am really excited. So now instead of teaching five classes, I will teach 4 of my regular classes and have the fifth class as basketball. I have a lot to learn about coaching in a state that is crazy about their high school athletics.
Now Reagan and April get to come to basketball games and track meets. I am still unsure how many times Reagan will try to get out of the stands and try to join his daddy on the bench.
Reagan had a wonderful day at church yesterday. He loves nursery. They brought Reagan to me a couple minutes before church was over because his pants were very stinky. By the time I was done changing him church was over so he didn't get to go back. He ran there anyways. He stood at the gate and said bye to his friends. One little girl came out as we walked by. She chased him down the hallway. Reagan thought that was fun. Reagan's favorite part of nursery besides the snack is the lesson. I don't think he really listens to the lesson but he loves the pictures. He wants to hold them and get in the teachers bag to find more.
If you have wondered what your dad is up to now that the backyard and fence are done. He has started to build his shed. There is just one big problem, actually four little problems. Claire, (aka Cinderella) thinks that her grandpa is building her a castle. Ian, Mason, and Blake think that grandpa is building them a playhouse. There might just be some disappointed grandkids when all of Ben's stuff gets moved in!
I remember being told that when you have the stomach flu and you are starting to eat again a good food to eat is Jello because it is a solid and a liquid. It is very good for the stomach. Well our family had the stomach flu this week. It was not fun. We were suppose to go up to Dallas to the temple with another family in our ward yesterday. We had to call them and tell them we couldn't go because we were all sick. We knew it wouldn't be smart to go for a 3 hour car drive without a toilet. Last night I remembered the advice I had been given about the Jello and I decided to make Jello for the family. Reagan had never eaten Jello before. I have given it to him but he would never eat it. Well last night he decided it was the best thing ever. He loved it! So did Abe and I. There was one thing that I don't remember being told. Stay away from Red Jello. Red Jello will stain the hands of little boys that refuse to use silverware. It will also stain clothes of messy eaters. After eating I said "Oh well, the color will eventually come off his hands and he ruined an outfit at least he is happy and feels better." A couple hours later Reagan threw a fit. He cried and screamed so hard that he threw up. What I now know is stay away from red jello when you have been sick unless you would like to have red carpet.
Reagan found these boots in his clothes had fun running around the house in them. He had a difficult time walking in them and kept on falling down. He still thought it was pretty fun.
I've been trying to find play groups and activities for Jonah and I to do. I'm actually the only one I know that has a baby...most of my friend are not even married yet so they are no help. What sorts of things are all the mommies out there doing? You'd think living in Chicago, I'd be able to find all sorts of things...well I havn't been so successfull. I really want Jonah to start interacting with other babies. Has anyone tried Gymboree? It seems expensive for what it is. The problem is is that we live in the wrong part of the city. If we lived up north there are all sorts of parks and such to go to-but it is also the very wealthy part of the city and I think you have to have the right brand of stroller to be accepted (I don't think I'm kidding). Just wondering if any of the mommies and grandmommies have any suggestions to help solve Jonah and his mommy's boredom problem. ;-)