Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lagoon Trip

Here are some pictures from out trip to Lagoon. If we were as smart as April and Abe, we would do a little slide show. But we aren't, so we'll just take up a whole bunch of space instead. Ian and Mason (and all the rest of us -- except Blake) had the time of our lives. Ian rode on everything that he could, including Collosus twice and the new big one -- Wicked -- four times. Wicked is the one where Mason is in front of the car that is just about to head straight down, and it is also the one where the the car is upside down . . . that is Ian and Jill in the front seat. Ian was absolutely fearless. Mason, on the other hand, got ruined by terrible parents that made him do the scariest ride -- Wicked -- first. But, we went back to Lagoon for a second day and Mason got his courage up again and rode Collosus and the big white roller coaster. Blake did not like any of the rides, especially when his terrible parents made him go down the log ride and get wet about 6 times.

Jill's favorite ride was the Rattlesnake Rapids, especially when my hat fell off into the water (see the picture below) and John had to ignore the cardinal rule of roller coastering to keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

The animal pictures are of us at the Salt Lake City Zoo.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time! I am glad you got a little get away.
