Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Glucose test

Marie is doing her glucose tolerance test Saturday. I don't want to go. I would rather go to my weekly Saturday morning frisbee game. Am I a bad husband? I put up a new poll to answer.

On an unrelated note I will be flying to Denver and Utah next week to do fellowship interviews.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with John. Abe didn't go to mine. Abe only went to a few of my doctor appointments. It made it easier to schedule. I didn't really care if he was there or not. As a warning Dallen, don't make Marie take a nap on the floor while you take your nap on the couch this Christmas. Last year John told Abe he was rude to make his pregnant wife take a nap on the floor when it was actualy pregnant Jill sleeping on the floor.
