We had so much fun in October. Here are some things we did to celebrate the fall season.
For the first time as a family we went Apple picking. It was lots of fun. The place we went was specialized in Organic apples so they did have lots of worm holes but the kids didnt mind. They had such a fun time. We spent the next 2 days making crock pot apple sauce which was so tasty. Hopefully this will be a tradition we can continue each fall.
Then we went to the pumpkin patch. The kids had fun riding the horses, going to the petting zoo and feeding the animals, and riding the barrels pulled by the tractor. They also had an area filled with corn and the kids really enjoyed that. Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids afterwards and let us go back and do the corn maze. It was fun and lasting memories were made.
When October began Claire wasted no time decorating the house. She has become quite the artist. We painted pumpkins on paper to decorated the entry way, and colored pictures from albertsons and even traced her hands and taped them on the walls(very spooky). The girls painted their little baby pumpkins and helped pick out the designs for the big pumpkins. Lauren chose winnie the poo, and Claire chose Snow White. My favorite decoration was the drawing of a monster named BOO that claire drew with a pen and taped to the front door.
Here's what we dressed up as this year...

We had an awesome time at Grandma and Grandpas annual halloween party. It was epic.
The kids had so much fun Trick or Treating. Although it was a cold night, the thought of eating loads of candy kept them going strong.