I did the Spudman triathlon yesterday. This was the race that I have most been looking forward to, even more than the half-Ironman, because I wanted to see how much I could improve over last year. The Spudman was my first Olympic distance race last year. The good news is that I demolished my time last year, and I think I even beat all of Dallen's Olympic distance splits this year. The bad news is that the race wasn't quite the same as last year. They canceled the swim portion because of high winds --a lame decision because it wasn't that bad. The 25 mile bike was shortened to 20 miles, and the 6.2 mile run was shortened to a little over five miles.
I was happy with the fact that I improved from thiry-somethingeth last year to 15th this year, but a tri with out a swim just isn't a tri.