Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ian is the champIAN

Well, Dallen is no longer the best triathlete in the family . . . Ian is. Both Ian and Mason did the Splash, Pedal and Dash Kids triathlon at the Meridian Speedway last week. Mason's age group rode their bikes 3/4 of a mile, ran 1/3 of a mile and finished by going down a water slide. Ian's age group rode their bikes 1 and 1/2 miles (5 laps around the meridian speedway), ran 3/4 of a mile and finished with the water slide.

Mason got 8th place out of about 30 kids in the 3-5 year old age group.
Ian got FIRST PLACE out of 17 kids in the 8-9 year old age group, and third place overall. He was over two minutes ahead of the second place kid in his age group. He even beat all of the 10-11 year olds except two girls that were about 20 seconds ahead of him.
Ian is very proud of himself, and I think his head may have grown a few sizes as well.

Here are some pics:

Toothless Ian

Here's a video of me attempting to pull one of Ian's teeth out. Ian has a lot of good qualities, but he's not too brave when it comes to getting his teeth pulled out.

Two days later, I pulled TWO of Ian's teeth out. Rather than the usual $1 per tooth, the tooth-fairy gave him $2.05. Ian thought the 5 cent bonus for loosing two teeth in one day was pretty cool.

More photos

Friday, August 28, 2009

Benson's Homecoming

We were finally able to bring Benson home today around 4:00om. We are glad to be home as a family. Reagan was happy to finally see this baby we had been talking about for the past 9 months. He had a difficult time understanding that the baby was no longer in my belly yet he couldn't see him. I think he is going to be a great big brother.

This is Abe patiently waiting for the NICU doctor to say we could take our son home.

Benson getting ready to go in his car seat.

Reagan seeing Benson for the first time.

Reagan asked if he could hold brother. So this is the first hold Benson. (Sorry the photo is in the wrong direction.)

Two happy brothers.

Me enjoying Benson.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

One point for Reagan, negative one for April

Last night April was hurting really bad so we had to go back to the doctor at the hospital. Reagan went with us because we couldn't get a hold of anyone that we could drop him off on the way. As we were sitting there waiting for our turn and before our friends came to get Reagan we had a great conversation with him. We were talking and he said that Daddy is cool. So I asked him if Mommy is cool. Unfortunately for April, he said that she is not. I was starting to worry, but he quickly responded with, "Mommy isn't cool, she's beautiful." Everyone nearby appreciated his response.

Later we finally got into the doctor. Since this hospital is Texas A&M's teaching hospital a student came in to ask April a bunch of questions and take her vitals (nurse work, according to the med student in scrubs and cowboy boots, only deep in the heart of Texas). We were talking to him and then April earned -1 point when she told him that she had Hepatitis B. I quickly corrected her and told him that she meant to say that she had group b strep. The med student pointed out that she didn't look like someone who would do those things or be in those kinds of places. We all got a good laugh out of it.

April is doing well. Despite her being on all kinds of medication ($100 worth of our portion) she is doing well. It is going to take her a while to get back to herself which makes it a mixed blessing that Benson has remained in NICU.

Benson will come home tomorrow. We are so excited and Reagan will finally get to see him and get his little present that Benson got him.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Benson Keith Lines

Benson under the oxygen hood in NICU.

Benson sleeping, notice the arm bar taped to him so that he can't mess up the IV they have in his hand.

Mommy finally being able to feed the little guy in NICU. He is off the oxygen and is doing really well. He has to stay for a week to finish his antibiotics but is now just in a crib and can be held and fed.

Thanks for the prayers!!! We love you!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lauren is officially walking!

Here is a picture of Lauren at 11 months old. She is still the perfect baby and we enjoy every moment with our tickle monkey. She is so much fun. And she finally said mamma.

So about a month ago Lauren took her first steps. This week she decided to start walking every chance she gets. Here is a video. Enjoy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How much will baby Lines weigh?

I am here at April's house eagerly awaiting the birth of April's baby? We need a little contest, how much will baby boy Lines weigh? April has been having a lot of contractions the past few days but no trips to the hospital just yet. Post your guess!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Saturday's Triatholon.

Jill finishing.

Two of the top twenty finishers.
Ian on the bike part of the race.

The swim

Friday was Ian's triatholon. Here he is finishing up the race. Below are some pictures of the race on Saturday. Some of them aren't great but it was hard to find people and get pictures. I tried. Later I can crop them so they look better. For now enlarge some of them to see them better. You may notice that they aren't in any patricular order.

Marie finishing up the bike race.

A very happy Ashleigh to be all finished.

Marie made it!!!

I sort of missed John's finish watching for Ashleigh and Marie to finish the bike race. He ran faster than I thought.

If you enlarge this it is John in transition from bike to run.

Cory getting ready to transition to run.

Glad the bike race is over.

Ashleigh finishing the bike race.

Dallen trying to find where to put his bike.

Hurrah it is all over!

Another happy finisher.

Sorry these pictures are in such a jumbled disordered way. I left some off so they are really out of order. All of you were great!!!!!

The John Family Reunion

This is at the Japanese Gardens in Portland that we stopped at on the way back home. They were so pretty and tranquil.

We went to a rainforest called Silverfalls State Park. There were about a dozen waterfalls but we didn't have a lot of time or energy but we hiked into about four of them. We had good pictures of us standing behind a waterfall but I just didn't post that one. The largest one we went to had a big pool beneath it and we went for a little swim.

This is at Cape Perpetua watching the waves.

This was one of the boys favorite places.

One of many beautiful places that we stopped and visited.

This is standing on our balcany in the beach house in Lincoln City. Hopefully the sun was in my eyes because I didn't look too happy in that picture.

Some of the group liked laying in the sand more than going for adventures.

This picture didn't show it at much as I thought it would but there are dozens of seals on the rocks right behind us.

Some of the giant trees on a little hike we went on.

Some more waterfalls.

Howard had heard about a fish hatchery so we went there on the way into Portland. They had giant sturgeon that were over ten feet long. However, the best part was watching WHALES. We probably watched them for about 40 minutes. Everyone was about ready to go when I saw the first one. There spouted and flipped fins and breached out of the water about 15-20 times. It was great!!!