While we were in Arizona for Christmas we has some family pictures taken. Jill's sister Mindy took them. I thought that I would post the main one for now. This is all 39 of us including Auntie (far right).
Reagan had his 2nd Birthday while we were in Arizona. He loved all the attention he got. He danced the whole time the family sang the Birthday song. He tried to blow out his candles but was too afraid to get close enough to actually blow the birthday candles out. Since there was so many people we had a race car cake for Reagan and a pink cake for his Grammie. On the drive home he kept asking for more cake.
We took some time today to do a little sledding. It was very cold and windy but we did manage to have plenty of fun as well as a little blood, sweat, and tears. The blood and tears came on the first run down the hill when Mason ran into Claire and knocked her down flat. Oops, it was an accident! Ian and Mason wanted to stay for ever. Grandma was too cold!
Sunday morning Reagan woke up and watched the snow fall from the sky. He wanted to go outside and play in it really bad. Finally I decided he could go out there for just a minute to see what snow was. That is why in this video he is just wearing pajamas.
Tonight we took Reagan to a Christmas party. There was a special visitor at the party. It was Santa. Reagan wasn't sure what to think of Santa at first. Then Santa started tickling Reagan. He thought that was funny. When he hopped off Santa's lap he gave him a high five. Santa gave Reagan a candy cane and a present to open. Reagan wasn't able to wait until Christmas to open the present so he just opened it on the way home and ate the candy cane.
Sunday evening we made gingerbread houses with all of the little kids. I thought that the easiest place to make them would have been having them all sit at the little picnic table. But after Reagan fell off backwards twice in ten minutes we decided it would be safer to do it one at a time at the kitchen table. Lots of sticky fingers and a few snitched pieces of candy later everyone had a gingerbread house to take home. Actually, Claire made a castle! We had so much fun we hope to do it again next year with Jonah and Lauren!!
I sometimes call Claire my little "messmaker". I even went as far as to teach her the words to the song "mess maker, mess maker, make me a mess" (The tune is from the matchmaker song from Fiddler on the Roof). She has found a new best friendwith Reagan and the two of them have had lots of fun playing and making messes. Saturday night we were busy doing something and not paying to much attention to them. I noticed that the two of them were playing in the pantry with the door shut. I though they might be eating crackers or something but instead they got into a canister of sugar and were throwing it everywhere. The clue was when white stuff came under the door! Next mess, Reagan came out of the bedroom saying "ouch" He had a mouth full of hot tamales that he found on Grandpa's headboard. Probably about the same time that the two of them spilled two classes of water on our bed.