Reagan is becoming more and more verbal everyday. He is always talking, yelling or singing. He is starting to say more words now. He can say momma, daddy, hi, bye, juice, dog, Jesus, ball, catch, mine, papa, and grandpa. Last Sunday right before sacrament meeting was about to start Reagan darted out of the chapel. We weren't sure what he wanted but we knew that he had a mission. We soon found out what that was. He wanted to see all the pictures in the whole church. He ran to each one pointed said Jesus then ran to the next one and did the same. I am still waiting for him to run up to me give me a hug and say "Momma I love you!" I better give it another week or two. This week all Reagan has done is run up to me and barfed on me. What a boy! He seems to have slimmed up a bit this week. I guess that is what happens when you won't eat or drink anything for a week and when you do you throw it up on your mother.